Friday, February 27, 2009

An Idea can change your life

This recession is already cramping my style. I hired a new secretary a few weeks ago and I had to let her go today. I actually did not hire her for any work. I already have an ugly and old secretary for that. I hired this one for ...ummm other purposes. And I hadn't even sealed the deal and that HR lady made me fire her. Suddenly we all need to "buckle our belts" and make "some sacrifices". Well, if people have to make sacrifices, why does it have to be me. I would have happily fired an associate or two to pay for my hot secretary. And I should be the last one to buckle my belt. After all, a man's got needs, you know.

I really am tired of that HR lady. If it wasn't for the time I got drunk at the office party and made out with her, I would have fired her already. But I can't. Apparently she knows a very good sexual harassment lawyer.


Hey, now that I think about it again, she might even have tricked me.

Maybe I should sue her for sexual harassment.

As the last guy I fired used to say, What an idea Sirjee.


SSam said...

Great blog :)

Here is a great book on some humorous stories from India

SSam said...

the link